Busan Integration Building

Client : Kamco
Completion : 2020
Location : Yeonje-gu, Busan, Korea
Site Area : 5,963.00㎡
Gross Floor Area : 36,653.42㎡
Floors : B4F, 10F
Structure : RC

부산 통합 청사

Busan Intergration Building involves integrating three agencies – he Southeast
Regional Statistical Office Headquarters, the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Agency, and the Busan Regional Food and Drug Safety Administration – to improve the environment of the government building and a secure testing center with safety facilities.

The design maintains the independence of each agency while incorporating shared facilities like an auditorium and rooftop garden to enhance the working environment.

본 계획안은 위해방지시설이 갖춰진 안정된 시험센터와 노후한 청사 환경 개선을 위해 동남지방통계청본부, 국립농산물품질관리원, 부산지방식품의약품 안전청 등 3개 기관을 통합한 청사이다.

매스 구성에서도 표현되듯이, 기관별 독립성을 가지면서도 통합 활용 가능한 강당 및 옥상정원을 계획하여 향상된 업무환경이 되도록 계획하였다.