MAP News

Design, Development Planning, Urban Design & Master Plan, Engineering, Construction Management, Post Occupancy & BIM

Win a contact of Design order, regarding the Denso’s second plant construction. (Denso 풍성전자(주) 화성 제2공장 건설공사 수주)

  • 2013.09.04
  • MAP

The consortium, we joined, has been selected as a Design and Build contractor of the second plant construction project, ordered by Denso PS Co., Ltd., at Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do.

The Project scale is Total Floor Area: Factory – 10,600.88㎡, Public Building – 1,159.45㎡

Thanks to Participants. (2013. 8)

DENSO 풍성전자(주) 에서 발주한, 화성 제2공장 건설공사 (연면적 : 공장동-10,600.88㎡ / 공용동-1159.45㎡) 턴키에서 당사가 참여한 컨소시움이 선정되었습니다. 프로젝트에 참여하신 임직원 여러분 수고하셨습니다. (2013.08)

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